4 months ago

It's been a while since I watched Part 1, so I'm going to start with a Part 2 review. Part 1 will come later, but I'll still do a series rating for now. I really enjoyed this movie and it was a lot of what I thought it would be, mostly. I need to read the books, but as a viewer more than a reader, I tend to respect artistic license for movies based on books.

I thought character development was good in this movie and it was obvious that was respected as a critical facet of the cinematic experience. There was decent use of foreshadowing and symbolism to drive the story along. There is a lot of symbolism in this movie, a lot. I'd probably have to watch it a few times to pull more out and analyze, but it runs much deeper than I was expecting.

Unfortunately, it felt like the first 75% of the movie was kind of drawn out and slow at times. It kept feeling like something was building, but then it would just kind of wander a bit. That may have been driven by the book, I don't know, but the timeline of the movie just felt a little off. It takes place over about 9 months, I wont tell you how I know that, but it's apparent from the beginning and the scene at the end. The last part of the movie doesn't seem like it would fit in the time frame it was slotted into. To me, it felt like last 30 minutes of the story was rushed, because so much time was spent in the first 75% of the movie. Again, maybe that was driven by the book.

The action in the movie was really good and the fights were well choreographed. The final fight scene was good, not really great, but not bad. Overall it was all the action fitting and realistic enough for the setting.

Rating: 4.7 out of 5 - Highly Recommend

There are maybe 3 or 4 movies, I've ever watched, I'd rate as a 5. The series, so far, Part 1 and Part 2, I'll rate as a 5, even though the individual movies are not 5's, in my opinion. It's a very good movie and I plan to watch it again, after I watch Part 1 again.

David D.


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