In the evenings I've been working on the reboot of (PFG), which is being built on top of Grazie!. I have the Bible feature working fairly well, with some additional features it didn't have before. PFG will have it's own theme, named Rock, based loosely on it's existing color scheme. The work has driven some fixes and improvements to Grazie! as well. I found some bugs in the pager and content lists: the pager currently overwrites query params external to the pager itself; the posts listing page doesn't display correctly for privileged users when there are no posts. There have also been a few little fixes here and there.

In Grazie!, I've been working on the Notes feature, which will later merge into PFG and kinda be specialized for that use case. Notes in Grazie! are mostly a feature for me or any user that registers here; they are private notes and lists, so you can only see the ones you create. I also plan to add website Bookmarks to Grazie!, but I don't know yet if they will be public or private (or both).

David D.


Just so you know, I've forked Grazie! (my own project) and created a version that supports SurrealDB, named Allora. So far it's a 1 to 1 port, with just changes related to SurrealDB and dropping SQLite/PostgreSQL support. It's taken a lot longer to find time to work on it than I hoped. It will be the platform BeSquishy will be built on and will be open sourced eventually, along with the SurrealDB tools developed for it.

David D.


Fixed some bugs:

  • Pages now display titles as set in site settings

  • Improved SEO support

  • Posts category pages no longer show 404 when not logged in

  • Home page now shows even number of posts and columns

  • Error pages have better theme/color scheme support

My next focus will be on finishing Notes and then I'll probably be expanding Pages to support Categories and some more advanced options.

David D.


Update: I disabled the color scheme change transition, due to a bug. It was kind of a novelty anyway, I'll try to fix it and bring it back later.

I decided to go ahead and update to the latest development version of Grazie! CMS. There are lots of theme fixes/updates and little enhancements here and there. I decided to go with a darker dark color scheme and I've tried to make title colors/sizes more consistent across the site. There is also a new color scheme toggle on the bottom right corner of the page and I'll have some social links there (once I update the settings). The light color scheme also has a lot of fixes and clean up, but it's quite where I want it. You can check out my previous Grazie blog to see the whole list and some of the things I'm working on.

David D.

6 months ago

I spent some time this afternoon working on Grazie! (the CMS that runs this site). I haven't updated here in a quite a while, so I'll have to check some older changes, but here are some from today:

  • Various bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue that hadn't come up, previously unused, regarding fetching and caching settings stored as objects

    • Fixed an issue where some settings didn't fall back to their grazie.config settings

    • Fixed some keys that were based on old data properties (which meant they weren't unique)

    • Fixed some Typescript types

  • grazie.config.default.js is now the default config

    • override it with a grazie.config.js file

  • Added a SocialIcons component, so the icons in the footer can be functional

    • Added support for setting for twitter, github, instagram, etc

  • Favorite theme now uses SocialIcons in Footer component

  • Added an SEO component to generate meta() function arrays

  • The SQLite data.db file now defaults to the /data folder (previously in the /prisma folder)

  • Favorite theme is moving to a cyan color scheme

  • Working toward migrating all titles to be more easily themed universally

  • Updated all packages to latest versions

Today I bumped the version up to 0.5.0. It may get bumped again before I update here. I have a few more things to add, but I'm liking the cyan color scheme, so I may go ahead and update here if I don't have time to get to all of it. Here are a few things on my TODO list:

  • Finish Notes app

  • Finish Categories page

  • Finish refactoring titles to be more easily themed

  • Refactor all colors to use --mantine- variables

  • Fix light mode color scheme (mostly depends on the above)

  • Make dark mode darker

  • Add a theme editor to make most of them customizable

  • Add ability to have a dropdown in the navlinks (uses settings to be dynamic)

  • Add a settings preset, to allow reverting settings to default or knowing which settings to add (read are supported)

  • Add ability to upload and set site logo and favicon

Those are a few of what's on my list. There are quite a few others, but I need to build up to those and I feel the above are more important at the moment. I need to utilize the built-in features in Mantine better. I also want to add some help features, for both user and admin, and more image/upload features. I plan to build a Grazie! website soon, so some new features will come with that. Part of that will probably be updating to use the latest Remix recommended Vite features and adding a fastify server for serving an API or whatever you want.

More to come. You'll definitely know when I update again, the new theme updates make the current one here look pretty bland.

David D.


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