In order to enable codecs with openSUSE Tumbleweed, we need to use a 3rd party repository for potentially patent encumbered packages. The primary option for VLC with codecs is often Packman, these instructions are for installing VLC using the official VLC repository instead.

Open YaST2 Software Repositories

Click Add

Choose, HTTP, click Next

Choose Edit Parts of the URL

Repository Name: VLC

Server Name:

Directory on Server: /SuSE/Tumbleweed

Go to this URL to verify the GPG Key:

Click Trust

You'll return to the YaST2 Software Repositories screen. For me, it named the repository Tumbleweed. If you want to rename it, select the repository and click Edit. I preferred VLC for the name.

With the repository still highlighted, use the Priority input and change it to 89 or a lesser value than other repositories. This will put it at a higher priority.

Once you are finished, click OK

I then just performed sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper dup. I also had some conflicts already, so if it doesn't pick up the VLC repository for those file, you can probably run sudo zypper dup --allow-vendor-change.

Note: If you aren't using Tumbleweed, the link above provides information for other versions. I used it on Tumbleweed, so I can't vouch for it on other versions.

David D.

4 months ago

Back in November my SSD began failing and I had to re-install openSUSE Tumbleweed on a new drive. The downside to not having to fix my computer often is I don't have to do it often enough to remember how I did it. One of the things I hadn't fixed yet was being able to use KWallet with programs like Git GUI using on Wayland. It's actually the only reason, I know of, that I couldn't use Wayland. Well, I finally did some searching and found the fix:

  • Open the .config/plasma-workspace/env folder in your Home folder

  • Create a file, named something like

  • Insert this into that file:

[ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] || eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • Save and close

  • Open the .config/plasma-workspace/shutdown folder in your Home folder

  • Create a file, named something like

  • Insert this into that file:

[ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] || eval "$(ssh-agent -k)"
  • Save and close

  • Logout

  • Log in with Wayland

I hope this helps someone else. :)

David D.


David Dyess .com

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