All the Flavors News of the Week 24.38

I've been working on a Recipe versioning system for ATF. It's been...not that easy, but I ended up reverting back to the simplest way I could think of. I've probably built 10 different versions, ironically, of the version system. The system I ended up deciding was the best is mostly like openSUSE's Snapper. It creates a pre and post-change snapshot, with some pre variations, depending on the source of the revision. Currently, the only time a revision is triggered is when a flavor changes, but I am experimenting with other things, like recipe descriptions.

Additionally, I've also been working on the ability to update or create a recipe from a batch. This ties into the versioning system, but is change to the way we normally update recipes. The idea is, instead of simply editing a recipe, you create a new mix and change the flavors within the calculator. You then mix it and try it, if it's good, then you can update the recipe directly from the batch. This creates a new revision of the recipe and ties that revision to the batch and recipe. It's a change to the normal recipe development workflow, but it should make it simpler and reduce the number of clones and things like that.

Finally, I haven't forgotten about clones. If you clone a public recipe, that recipe will be tied to revision 0, which is the initial version. If it wasn't a public recipe, then it acts like the current cloning system and ignores the original version. This allows you to create original recipes, even if they are actually based on a private recipe base. Also, sometimes you may create a new batch that is good, but should be it's own recipe. The new version system will allow you to create a new recipe from that batch, like a clone, except it's from a batch. This means you can start out just creating batches, and when you get to the point where it's a legitimate recipe, then you save it as a recipe from the batch.

So the next features will be recipe versions and recipes (updates or new) from batches. After that we have some calculator updates and some new recipe features, plus some community features. I'm not sure which order those will come, but both are a priority. Among the calculator updates are some new features, mostly for our flavorists and vendors, but they could be exciting for others in our DIY community, who aren't necessarily happy just using regular flavors ;) More to come on those. That's it for the week 38 update. Sorry for the gap in weeks, I'll try to do better with the updates.

David D.



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